"Solar: A Force For Economic Development" Friday, Oct. 6, 2017 9am to 4pm


The Third Annual Arizona Energy Futures Conference will take place Friday, October 6, 2017 at the Rio Salado Conference Center on the Tempe Campus of the Rio Salado Community College. The title for this year's conference is "Solar: A Force For Economic Development."  The sessions will demonstrate how solar and distributed generation can and has created businesses, jobs, and builds local and state economies; examine policies and recognize new technologies that expand energy choice while keeping rates low; and examine what Arizona should do to be able to profit from the coming changes in energy generation and markets.. This is not a conference you want to miss.  Conference Panels

  1. The Utility of the Future: What will it Look Like?
  2. Policy & Market Trends Driving The Future Of Energy
  3. Distributed Energy Resources: The Next Game Changer Has Arrived
  4. Arizona's Solar Energy Future: Lead, Follow or Get Left Behind

Admission $35 (includes morning coffee, lunch and afternoon snack) ASU and MCCCD students with ID - Free ($15 w/lunch), use promo code AEFCSTUDENT Only 200 seats available - Preregistration required For information, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.