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  • - A radical idea to get a high-renewable electric grid

    This is an interesting approach to optaining very high penetration of renewables such as photovoltaics and wind.  At present most large installations operate under Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) wherein the economics are based on a sell all output at predetermined prices. This contrasts with standalone systems wherein the system size Read More
  • - Breakthrough Batteries Powering the Era of Clean Electrification

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    An assortment of links to interesting information   Semiconductor Nanowires Could Double the Efficiency of Silicon Solar Cells A p/n semiconductor junction is not the only way of converting sunshine into useful electrical energy.  Light consists of a flow of photons of various energy levels (colors).  See this article-Solar Cells.  Nanowires Read More
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AZ Guidelines-5

Section Five
Section 5. General devices/systems descriptions

5.1 General types of devices and systems which can be sold/installed in Arizona if they conform to specifications in this document (note: these devices also qualify for applicable State tax incentives):

a. Solar domestic water heating systems (covered in section 2) -- collectors, storage tanks, heat exchangers, and piping, valves, wiring, etc. directly related to the solar system.

b. Solar swimming poll and spa heating systems (not covered in guidelines; these devices are not required to meet any State specified certification, ratings or standards at the time of the adoption of these guidelines; therefore, they can be sold/installed in Arizona. However, they must meet any required Federal, local or other codes, standards, certifications, or other requirements, if applicable -- UBC, NEC, UL, etc. . . ) --- collectors, heat exchangers, and piping, valves, wiring, etc., directly related to the solar system.

c. Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems (covered in section 3) -- collectors, batteries, inverters, solar system related to wiring. Includes solar PV for RVs. End-use appliances (even if they are 12vdc) are excluded unless they are manufactured specifically for PV applications.

d. Solar PV phones, street lighting, etc (not covered in guidelines; these devices are not required to meet any State specified certification, ratings or standards at the time of the adoption of these guidelines; therefore, they can be sold/installed in Arizona. However, they must meet any required Federal, local or other codes, standards, certifications, or other requirements, if applicable -- UBC, NEC, UL, etc. . . ) -- collectors, batteries, inverters, solar system related wiring. Phone, light, etc. are excluded unless they are manufactured specifically for PV applications.

e. Solar thermal or electric space heating systems (not covered in guidelines; these devices are not required to meet any State specified certification, ratings or standards at the time of the adoption of these guidelines; therefore, they can be sold/installed in Arizona. However, they must meet any required Federal, local or other codes, standards, certifications, or other requirements, if applicable -- UBC, NEC, UL, etc. . . ) -- collectors, storage tanks, heat exchangers, and piping, valves, wiring, etc. directly related to the solar system.

f. Passives solar building systems (not covered in guidelines; these devices are not required to meet any State specified certification, ratings or standards at the time of the adoption of these guidelines; therefore, they can be sold/installed in Arizona. However, they must meet any required Federal, local or other codes, standards, certifications, or other requirements, if applicable -- UBC, NEC, UL, etc. . . ) -- Trombe wall components, thermal mass, and components specifically designed for energy gains. Dual pane windows, low-e and other window coatings, etc. are specifically excluded.

g. Solar daylighting systems (covered in sections 4) -- those devices and systems specifically designed to capture and redirect visible solar energy while controlling the infrared energy (conventional skylights are specifically excluded).

h. Domestic solar appliances (not covered in guidelines; these devices are not required to meet any State specified certification, ratings or standards at the time of the adoption of these guidelines; therefore, they can be sold/installed in Arizona. However, they must meet any required Federal, local or other codes, standards, certifications, or other requirements, if applicable -- UBC, NEC, UL, etc. . . ) -- solar ovens, food dehydrators, water distillers and other domestic solar appliances. Those solar domestic appliances not specifically listed herein that meet the legislative description of 'solar device' (ARS 44-1761) are also included.

i. Solar thermal/electric power generating systems, including stand-alone and grid-connected systems (not covered in guidelines; these devices are not required to meet any State specified certification, ratings or standards at the time of the adoption of these guidelines; therefore, they can be sold/installed in Arizona. However, they must meet any required Federal, local or other codes, standards, certifications, or other requirements, if applicable -- UBC, NEC, UL, etc. . . ) -- includes parabolic trough and dish-Stirling applications.

j. Solar and wind-powered pumps (not covered in guidelines; these devices are not required to meet any State specified certification, ratings or standards at the time of the adoption of these guidelines; therefore, they can be sold/installed in Arizona. However, they must meet any required Federal, local or other codes, standards, certifications, or other requirements, if applicable -- UBC, NEC, UL, etc. . . ) -- collectors or windmills, structure, pump, pipes and other components directly related to the pumping system.

k. Wind generators (covered in section 3) -- windmill, structure, generator, batteries, controls, wiring and other components directly related to the wind generator. End-use appliances are excluded

5.2. General types of systems and devices which are not considered in the legislation or this document (note: these devices do not qualify for any State tax incentives):

a. Conventional plumbing components -- water softeners, drinking water systems, etc. even if they are provided (gratis or otherwise) as part of the system.

b.  Conventional controls -- load controllers, programmable thermostats, etc. even if they are provided (gratis or otherwise) as part of the system.

c. Conventional heating/cooling systems -- air conditioners, heat pumps, evaporative coolers, furnaces (regardless of efficiency).

d. Conventional windows and window treatments -- dual-pane, low-e, shade screens, reflective and dark coatings, awnings, interior shades, drapes and blinds.

e. Conventional skylights.

f. Appliances (all voltages) -- refrigerators, lights, TVs, etc. unless they are manufactured specifically for PV systems.

g. Fans -- ceiling, reflective roof coatings.

i. Insulation (includes "outsulation") and radiant barrier.

j. Weather stripping, caulking.

k. Misting systems.

l.. Vegetation -- shade trees, shrub, grass.


AZ Guidelines-4

Section Four

Section 4: Solar Daylighting

There are 4 primary concerns regarding solar daylighting systems: installer certification (section 4.1), installation certification (section 4.2), product certification (section 4.3), and warranty requirements (section 4.4).

4.1 Installer certification:

There is only one (1) requirement for an installer of a solar daylighting device at the time of this document's adoption. The installer must have completed and passed any training provided by the manufacturer of the daylighting device.

4.2. Installation certification:

There are no requirements beyond those conditions specified by the Registrar of Contractors. For those installations not requiring a contractors license, for example, when the total aggregate cost is less than $750, it is recommended that the installing company have a B1 (general contracting) and/or C65R (glazing) license(s).

4.3 Product certification:

There are two requirements for product certification.

4.3.1 The basic device must be ICBO approved for the intended installation.

4.3.2  The basic device must be approved by the Department of Commerce Energy Office as a solar daylighting device. The manufacturer or the installing company must submit to the Department of Commerce Energy Office (3800 N. Central Ave., Suite 1200, Phoenix, AZ 85012) a detailed description with accompanying graphics (drawings, photos) for each model with substantial design differences. It is not necessary to obtain ICBO or DOCEO approval of additional models within a model range or for minor design modifications that are supported by an engineer's written report that the additional model meets or exceeds the performance of the approved model(s). The Energy Office will issue a written response regarding the status of the device.

a. The purchaser must be supplied a copy of the letter stating that the device is a qualified device at time of installation completion.

4.4 Warranty requirements:

The installation company will provide a full parts and labor warranty for the entire system for two (2) years from date of installation.

Full parts and labor warranty includes, but is not limited to, and and all component failure(s), whether it is covered by the original manufacturer or not; and any and all installation-related malfunction(s). Any manufacturer's warranty(ies) are in addition to, not in lieu of, the installation warranty requirements. Warranty is not required to cover problems resulting from exposure to harmful materials and chemicals, fire, flood, lightning, hurricane, tornado, hailstorm, earthquake, or other acts of God, vandalism, alteration of system by anyone not authorized by the installation company, or any other cause beyond the control of the installation company.

4.5 Written certifications:

For all solar daylighting systems, the purchaser must be furnished with a written statement of certification (see A); a statement of performance (see B), which must include what general performance the purchaser can expect from the system under typical conditions; and a statement of warranty (see D).


AZ Guidelines-3

Section Three
Section 3. Solar Electric/Photovoltaic (including wind electrical energy systems)

There are three primary concerns regarding solar electric/photovoltaic systems: installer certification (section 3.1), component and installation certification (section 3.2), and warranty requirements (section 3.3).

3.1. Installer certification:

At the time of this document's adoption, there are no installer certification requirements other than those rules and regulations of other State and local entities including, but not limited to, the Registrar of Contractors.

3.2. Component and installation certification:

At the time of this document's adoption, there are no complete system installation specifically described herein. There are, however, some component and subsystem installation requirements (see 3.2.1).

Those conditions as required by other entities are in effect -- the Registrar of Contractors, for example, requires an electrical contracting license for installation of many solar photovoltaic systems. All installations must meet or exceed the UBC and NEC at a minimum, and any code(s) adopted by the municipality in which the device is being installed.

3.2.1 Subsystem installation and component certification requirements:

There are subsystem installation and component certification requirements for photovoltaic modules and battery systems as required by the specific application. The installer is responsible for ensuring that the subsystem and product installed meets or exceeds all applicable requirements.

a. The photovoltaic (PV) modules and installation must meet or exceed the following testing/safety/performance standards as required by the specific installation (asterisk * denotes required for all modules and installations):

All applicable NEC requirements*, U.L. 1703*, JPL Block V,CEC Specification 503, IEC 904-3, IEC 1215.

In addition, the PV modules and related components must meet or exceed the following testing/safety/performance standards as required by the specific installation:

USHUD approval, RVIA approval.

b. The battery storage subsystem must meet or exceed the following testing/safety/performance standards as required by the specific installation:

ANSI/IEEE 929-1988 (if utility interface), ANSI/IEEE 937-1987, ANSI/IEEE 1013-1990.

c. Wind energy systems generating electricity )as opposed to water pumping, etc.) must conform to the American Wind Energy Association standard AWEA 1.1-1985.

d. The solar collector must not be shaded during the time period from 9 AM to 3 PM at any tme during the year. If future shading is expected, for example, due to vegetation growth, the purchaser must be notified. If avoiding collector shading is not possible, the system purchaser must be given a written statement describing the time periods in which the system can be expected to operate at less than peak performance due to collector shading (see also Section 3.4., below).

e. Any and all connections to the electric utility grid must be made with the permission, approval and cooperation of the utility owning, operating and/or maintaining the distribution system. All components and their installation must be capable of protecting the existing grid and its operators and maintenance personnel from damage and injury per the instruction and approval of the utility responsible for the line access.

3.3 Warranty coverage:

3.3.1 The warranty requirements for the installation company will be as follows:

a. The installation company will provide a full parts and labor warranty for the entire system for two (2) years from date of installation.

Full parts and labor warranty includes, but is not limited to, any and all component failure(s), whether it is covered by the original manufacturer or not; and any and all installation-related malfunction(s). Any manufacturer's warranty(ies) are in addition to, not in lieu of, the installation warranty requirements. Warranty is not required to cover problems resulting from exposure to harmful materials and chemicals, fire, flood, lightning, hurricane, tornado, hailstorm, earthquake, or other acts of God, vandalism, alteration of system by anyone not authorized by the installation company, or any other cause beyond the control of the installation company.

3.4 Written certifications:

For all solar electric/photovoltaic systems, the purchaser must be furnished a written statement of certification (see A), a statement of performance (see B), which must include what general performance the purchaser can expect from the system under typical conditions, and a statement of warranty (see D).

Return to Guideline Introduction

AZ Guidelines-2

Section Two
Section 2. Solar Thermal Water Heating

There are two primary concerns regarding solar domestic water heating: component and installation certification (section 2.1), and warranty requirements (section 2.2).

2.1 Component and installation certification (applies to all solar thermal systems):

2.1.1 All installations must meet or exceed the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPS), Uniform building Code (UBC) and the National Electric Code (NEC), at a minimum, and any code(s) adopted by the municipality in which the device is being installed.

2.1.2 As of June 1, 1995, all solar water heating products and systems and their installations must conform to the guidelines and procedures of the current (at time of sale) Solar Rating and Certification Corporation (SRCC) OG-300 document, or equal, with the following exceptions, additions and/or alterations.

a. If the system is installed in any manner other than test conditions, the installing company is responsible for determining and providing for proper collector design flow rate as required to maximize performance and minimize system malfunctions, especially those malfunctions due to water quality conditions. This includes, but is not limited to, pump/pipe sizing calculations and providing a larger pump where necessary to accommodate the system's own specific flow requirements.

b. If the system is installed in any manner other than test conditions, the installing company is responsible for determining and providing for proper collector design flow rate as required to maximize performance and minimize system malfunctions, especially those malfunctions due to water quality conditions. This includes, but is not limited to, pump/pipe sizing calculations and providing a larger pump where necessary to accommodate the system's own specific flow requirements.

c. All materials exposed to sunlight, direct or indirect, will be suitable for outdoor use. This includes pipe and pipe insulation (includes coatings), sensor wire, wire connections, etc.

d. The solar collector must not be shaded during the time period from 9 AM to 3 PM at any time during the year. If future shading is expected, for example, due to vegetation growth, the purchaser must be notified. If avoiding collector shading is not possible, the system purchaser must be given a written statement describing the time periods in which the system can be expected to operate at less than peak performance due to collector shading (see also Section 2.3., below).

e. The installation of a suitable electric water heater element control device is required for all electric-assist sytems to prevent the electric -assist element from operating during normal solar collections hours. A manual override method must be included and the purchaser must be provided written instructions in the use of override and the resetting of the timer after a power failure if applicable.

f. System overheat protection must be included to prevent excessive component temperatures and pressures, and to prevent excessive precipitation of dissolved solids.

2.2 Warranty coverage:

2.2.1 The warranty requirements for the "supplier" (as defined in SRCC documents OG-300) will stand as written in the current (at time of sale) applicable SRCC documents. If the system has been certified under a testing authority other than SRCC, the SRCC warranty requirements will prevail.

2.2.2 The warranty requirements for the installation company will be as follows:

a. The installation company will provide a full parts and labor warranty for the entire system for two (2) years from date of installation.

Full parts and labor warranty includes, but is not limited to, any and all component failure(s). whether it is covered by the original manufacturer or not; any and all installation-related malfunction(s); any and all high-temperature problems(s) including those related to water quality. Any manufacturer's warranty(ies) are in addition to, not in lieu of, the installation warranty requirements. Warranty is not required to cover problems resulting from exposure to harmful materials and chemicals, fire, flood, lightning, hurricane, tornado, hailstorm, earthquake, or other acts of God, vandalism, alteration of system by anyone not authorized by the installation company, or any other cause beyond the control of the installation company.

b. The installation company will provide a full parts and labor warranty against any and all freeze-damaged component(s) for five (5) years. This includes freeze damage due to water quality problems and component failures.

Note b.1: Ambient temperatures below 4 degrees C (39 degrees F) can cause freeze damage to solar collectors, transport pipe and other system components. These cold temperatures and freezing conditions are common throughout the state of Arizona and are not considered an act of God. All freeze damaged system components are subject to the freeze warranty as specified above.

Noteb.2: The freeze protection on some system types can be accidentally disabled by the user. Since this condition is intrinsic in the system design, freeze damage due to accidental disabling by the user is not cause for indemnification of the installing company. The installation company is specifically responsible for any freeze damage due to accidental disabling of the freeze protection.

Note b.3: The freeze protection on some system types can be rendered less effective or completely useless due to electric power failures at the system site. Since this condition is intrinsic in the system design, freeze damage due to lack of electric power at the system site is not cause for indemnification of the installing company. The installing company is specifically responsible for any freeze damage due to electric power failure at the system site.

2.3 Written certifications:

For all solar heating systems, the purchaser must be furnished with a written statement of certification (see A), a statement of performance which include what general thermal performance the purchaser can expect from the system under typical conditions (see B), and a statement of warranty coverage (see C). This is in addition to, not in lieu of, all information required to be given to the purchaser by the product and system test certification documents (SRCC OG-300 or equal).



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  • About The Arizona Solar Center

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